The Energy CENTS Coalition works with Xcel Energy to offer the Medical Affordability Program to Xcel customers who use medical equipment that requires electricity. The program lowers your monthly electric bill and helps you pay any past due balance.
Eligibility Guidelines
Have a certified medical form on file with Xcel Energy
Receive Energy Assistance from your local Energy Assistance Provider each heating season or meet the income guidelines of up to 60% of Minnesota’s State Median Income (SMI)
To speak to a personal account representative at Xcel Energy, please call 866.975.7327
To remain on the program
Make your budget payment to Xcel Energy each month by the due date on your bill
Notify Energy CENTS Coalition if there is a change in your income
Notify Energy CENTS Coalition if you move
Frequently Asked Questions
How does this program work? Based on your income, you will pay a set amount for your Xcel Energy bill each month. When you make your payment, Xcel Energy will put a credit on your account to help keep you current on your bill. If you have a past due balance, you will also receive help to get caught up on your bill.
What if my discount is not showing on my Xcel bill? If you made your full budget payment by your due date, and you do not see your discount on your Xcel bill, call Xcel Energy at 1-866-975-7327. It may take a billing cycle for your discount to show on your bill.
Why does my Xcel Energy bill have a different amount due? Your bill from Xcel Energy is always going to show the total amount that you owe. You just need to pay your budget payment each month to receive your discounts and remain on the program.​
What if I have a credit balance on my bill? If you have a credit balance on your bill, you do NOT need to make a payment. Discounts will not be applied to your account if you have a large credit balance or if no payment is made.
What happens if I miss making my budget payment? If you miss two payments, you will be removed from the program and cannot re-apply until the next calendar year. You will have to pay your full balance due, and Xcel Energy can take various credit actions, including shutting off your service.
How long does this program last? As long as you continue to make your monthly payment and meet the eligibility guidelines, you can remain on the program. After one year, we will re-evaluate your budget and credit amounts based on updated usage, current balance and income information. If you have not received Energy Assistance for the current heating season, you may be required to provide proof of income eligibility.