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Energy CENTS Coalition
Commit Energy Now To Survive

Who we are

Energy CENTS members recognize the need to confront utility practices, promote regulatory policies and encourage legislative bodies in order to create solutions to the problems that energy costs and utility policies place on low income citizens and communities. The Coalition will identify actions, policies and funding that promotes the following: guaranteeing universal and affordable utility service to low income households, investing in low income conservation and demand side management programs and protecting low income customers in restructuring of the utility industries.


Energy CENTS has leveraged over $400 million in non-federal resources for low income energy consumers through:

  •  policy development and legislative advocacy

  •  regulatory participation

  •  bill payment and conservation assistance programs

  •  local projects

Our History

1988:      West Hennepin Human Services (formerly the LIHEAP administrative agency in Suburban Hennepin County) establishes ECC and acts as the fiscal agent.  ECC is created by volunteers from original organizational members.


1992:      First paid staff hired with assistance of a $7,500 grant from the Headwaters Foundation.


1994:      ECC incorporates as an independent non-profit; at least 50% of ECC’s board members must be low-income community members.


TODAY:   ECC employs 7 FTE staff and two contracted energy auditors.  The organizational budget has grown to $5 million.  The budget includes $2.3 million in pass-through funds for furnaces, water heaters, insulation and other conservation measures that are offered free to eligible low-income households. ECC’s conservation programs assist over 600 households each year. ECC’s affordability programs assist over 20,000 customers each year.

The Mission of the Energy CENTS Coalition is to promote affordable utility service for low and fixed income people, to ensure the basic necessity of energy to all citizens, and to encourage the participation of low and fixed income citizens in energy issues and energy related decision-making.

823 E 7th Street St Paul, MN 55106


Toll Free 1-888-774-9070

Fax 651-774-0445

Energy CENTS does not accept walk in appointments. Please call 651-774-9010 to schedule an appointment. If you need an application mailed to you please call 651-774-9010. Applications can also be filled out and submitted online and in some cases taken over the phone. Phones are answered and messages will be returned Monday - Thursday 8AM - 4PM.

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